The Kuraray Group reviewed its materiality in 2019, identifying five domains along with specific examples: “improving the natural environment,” “improving the living environment,” “effective use of resources and reduction of environmental impact,” “improving supply chain management,” and “improving the development of a ‘company that people can proud of’.” Prior to drafting the Medium-Term Management Plan “PASSION 2026” the “reduce, reuse, recycle” initiatives specified in 2019 were combined under the term “Circular Economy.” Contributions to these revised material domains are being incorporated into the business plans of all Group organizations.
Materiality of the Kuraray Group
Linking Materiality with SDGs
In line with the review of materiality, material issues that the Kuraray Group should address have been identified from the terms of the SDGs, as shown below in “Procedure to identify materiality.”
Each material issue has been linked with the SDGs to clarify the relationship. This allows the Group’s sustainability activities to not only address the Group’s material issues but also contribute to achieving the target of the SDGs.