Occupational Safety, Process Safety
Our Guiding Principle state that “Safety is the cornerstone of everything we do.” Guided by this principle, we have set the following numerical safety targets to ensure that Kuraray is a safe workplace and a company in which everyone can work with confidence for all Group employees.
Our goal for occupational safety is zero serious (A or B rank) occupational injuries . We also tackle to prevent minor injuries at sites in Japan and overseas, aiming for total occupational injuries frequency rate of 1.3 or less (less than half of the benchmark) by 2026.
Our goal for process safety is to achieve zero serious (A, B, C rank) process accidents / troubles. We also aim to reduce the number of minor (D1, D2 rank) process accidents, such as very small leaks of flammable liquids, less than 3 cases (less than half of the benchmark) by 2026. To this end, we promote understanding process safety risks and taking countermeasures for them at each site of both Japan and overseas.