The Kuraray Group in Japan had made a major capital investment by the beginning of the 2000s to reduce chemical substance emissions, and has achieved about an 80% reduction compared to fiscal 1999. Now, we have set a target of “keeping the emissions of JCIA-designated PRTR substances* below the fiscal 2016 result in the Medium-term Environmental Plan, based on the concept that even if the production scale expands, the environmental impact outside the plants will not be increased from the base year. To achieve this target, when we consider expansion of our production facilities, etc., we also examine and carry out investment projects in consideration of measures to keep the emissions below the current level. In fiscal 2019, emissions of the entire Kuraray Group in Japan totaled 967 tons (886 tons into the atmosphere and 81 tons into water areas). As a result, they have gone down in comparison with fiscal 2018, but have not yet reached the figures achieved in fiscal 2016 (less than 957 tons) set as a target. Going forward, we will continue to take measures to prevent further environmental impact outside of our plans.
The annual policy of the Kuraray Group outside Japan is to comply with the environmental regulations of the respective countries where each production base is located. The emissions of the Kuraray Group outside Japan showed an increasing trend up to the previous fiscal year because we incorporated new business through M&As and the capacity utilization of production sites rose over the past few years. However, the emissions of Kuraray Group outside Japan totaled 449 tons in fiscal 2019.
* Substances subject to the PRTR Act and substances designated by the Japan Chemical Industry Association