Social Reporting

Activities at Workplaces

Through the “Kuraray Group Global Human Resources (HR) Policy”, Kuraray Group is making efforts to develop its organizational system regarding the promotion of diversity, fostering of human resources, and equal and fair evaluation of performances, as well as establishing a healthy corporate culture and creating new employment opportunities. The aim is to ensure each employee can work in a way which leads to personal growth through the fulfillment of his or her duties.

The Kuraray Group Global HR Policy

  • We will respect the human rights of individuals.
  • We will abolish discrimination and respect diversity.
  • We will carry out our HR activities in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
  • We will create HR systems that uphold equality, fairness and transparency.
  • We will strive to improve the environment of workplaces.
  • We will strive to employ personnel who are able to contribute to the development of the Kuraray Group.
  • We will place the right person in the right job.
  • We will implement evaluation and benefits systems that are fairly satisfactory.
  • We will support professional developments.
  • We will strive to promote appropriate disclosure of information and communication.

Sociality Goals and Actual Performance

Theme Goal Event and result Evaluation and challenges Fiscal 2018 plan
Implementing personnel policy allowing employees to feel work is worth accomplishing Provisioning of growth opportunities to employees
  • Provided the program “Training for Designing One’s
    Own Career” to employees in various age brackets
    Managers aged 50
    Managers aged 42
    EC course aged 30(General staff)
    Total number of people
  • Introduced a career lecture for new employee training
  • To fix this system and use of it as a means of promoting participation by women.
  • To maintain the “mechanism to support self career development”
  • Implemented the 15th and 16th GTTs (Global team training)(See Global Talent Development Program.) - half of participants were employees of overseas companies
  • Trainee dispatch―acceptance of two people from overseas to Japan in addition to seven people from Japan to overseas
  • Numbers and countries of participants increased. To keep and increase contries of participants
  • To increase the number of trainniees from oversee.
  • To implement global trainings and expand the acceptance of trainees from overseas to Japan
  • As the global personnel system, Konnect was introduced and operated as a global common system from the beginning stage of target setting.
  • To increase its usability
  • To eatablish the infrastructure for managing information on global human resources
  • To set up the global common system of leadership developments
Promotion of diversity and work-life balance Implementation of work style reform
  • For the installment of a flexible working system, trial operations of the flextime system to deal with teleconferencing with overseas staff and the work-at-home system were carried out.
  • To implement measures for improving productivity on an indivisiual and company basis.
  • To start the trial of the flextime system and institutionalize the work-at-home system
Promotion of active participation by female employees
  • Staged workshops for personnel in the department general manager class
  • Conducted workshops for semi-department managers
  • Continue to implemen trainings and other programs to promote awareness change
  • To iImplement the training (workshops) to managers
Promotion of the employment of persons with disabilities
  • Kuraray's employment rate of persons with disabilities: 2.27%.(as of June 1st, 2017)
  • To cope with the increase of the statutory employment rate to 2.2% at the sites and affiliated companies with low employment rate.
  • Statutory employment rate (2.3%:fiscal 2020 expected)+0.2%
  • To Increase the employment rate of persons with disabilities in major affiliate companies
Reinforcement and promotion of schemes for management of healthy mind and body Enhancement of continuous support for mental health
  • Line-care training and self-care training were continuously conducted
    (Achieved100% attendance rate for line-care training)
  • Conducted a stress check within the Kuraray Group in Japan
  • Achieved as planned.To continue the implementation in accordance with the plan.
  • To continue implementation of trainings
  • To continue implementation of stress check and utilize the analysis data

Number of Employees

Number of Employees   As of December 31, 2017
  Total Male Female
Kuraray Group as a whole 9,089 7,476 1,613
Kuraray only 3,832 3,406 426

Employee Turnover Rate  

Employee Turnover Rate FY2017

  Turnover rate
Personal reasons 0.90%
Retirement 1.10%

Talent Development

For the Kuraray Group companies in Japan, we have established a companywide training scheme to support acquisition of the knowledge and skills required for jobs and career-building efforts by employees themselves.

The training is open not only to regular employees but also part-time and contract-based ones, as necessary. The Kuraray plants and domestic group companies plan and implement their own talent development programs and provide their employees with finely tuned support for skill development and career-building. Kuraray also has an incentive system under which it furnishes grants for acquisition of certain public qualifications by employees for their own self-improvement.

Global Talent Development Program

A variety of programs are provided at each level of the organization to foster personnel who can actively play a part on the global stage to further accelerate global growth of the Kuraray Group.

In fiscal 2017, group trainings (advanced global management training, global team training) for department general manager class, or section manager class and short-term trainee program for staff personnel were provided among the planned training programs. A total of about 50 persons from the organizations inside and outside of Japan participated in these training programs.

In fiscal 2018, trainings for department general manager class or section manager class will be provided with upgraded training content. Furthermore, we will continue providing the short-term trainee program.

・Mechanism to Support Autonomous Career Development

The domestic Kuraray Group has been utilizing a “mechanism to support a self-career development,” aiming at creating organizations in which each employee actively tackles his or her career development and engages in work enthusiastically. As part of this scheme, “Training for Designing One’s Own Career” is undertaken for employees in three age brackets (30s, 40s and 50s).

In the three years from 2015 to 2017, 305 persons received the training. After receiving the training, the trainees are interviewed by a career advisor and receive support to attain their career goals.

Fair and Equal System

・HR System

Kuraray has instituted a personnel evaluation system in which elements such as improvement of job execution capabilities, performances, roles, and spirits to tackle demanding targets (as opposed to seniority or personal factors) are reflected in remuneration. Specifically, we instituted a scheme of role and rank for management positions, under which remuneration slides with the role and performance, and a scheme of skill and position for ordinary employees, under which remuneration reflects the extent of skills and performance. We have also incorporated a scheme whereby personnel can change education courses to suit their desired career paths.

In fiscal 2018, the globally uniform personnel system mainly for personnel in managerial positions has been introduced to further utilize and activate human resources working within the Kuraray Group.

A review of wages, allowances, bonuses and work systems will be continued to further enhance people’s understanding of the employee treatment system.


Personnel evaluation is based on the targets setting for job duties and competence developments in the interview between the superior and the subordinate and the achievement management of the targets.Evaluator trainings are continuously provided.

Promotion of Diversity and Work-life Balance

Kuraray aims to enhance its organizational power by maximizing the capabilities of its diverse human resources through the promotion of work-style reforms and active participation by female employees.

・Promotion of Active Participation by Female Employees

Efforts have been made with a focus on three points—employing more female employees, expanding responsibilities of their jobs and enabling female employees to work longer at their workplaces. In fiscal 2017, workshops for department manager class and seminars for semi-managerial class were set to create a more encouraging corporate culture for female employees and enhance their career awareness. Plans for fiscal 2018 include holding continuous seminars for department manager class and section manager class, and enhance supportive systems so that their career development and household activities can be accomplished at the same time.

・Work-style Reform

In promoting work-style reform, in fiscal 2017, Kuraray focused on career-awareness enhancement in implementing the following initiatives:

(1) No-overtime week
Each employee is encouraged to leave the office on time during the whole of one week that he/she has specified. The system aims to improve the work procedure and make the practice common.
(2) Rearrangement of floor layouts for further improvement in work efficiency
To underpin employees’ efficient work styles, (a) no-chair meeting room and (b) operation concentration area have been introduced.
In fiscal 2018 and onward, schemes including seminars to enhance employees’ productivity, flex-time and remote working shall be implemented from various aspects.

・Leave for Childcare and Nursing Care

Kuraray has a scheme in place to help its employees conduct childcare and nursing care. In consideration of the timing of admission into a day-care center, employees are allowed to take the childcare leave until the day when child becomes two years old if necessary. We recommend male employees to take a childcare leave to encourage more fathers to get involved in child rearing.

Number of Employees Taking Leave for Childcare/ Nursing Care (Kuraray)
Number of Employees Taking Leave for
Childcare/ Nursing Care (Kuraray)
Fiscal year Childcare Male (of all childcare) Nursing care
2014 46 7 2
2015 48 18 2
2016 43 27 0
2017 52 33 0

・System Allowing Employees to Take Temporary Leave from Duty to Live Abroad with Spouse Assigned to Overseas Post

A system has been established and implemented allowing employees to take a temporary leave from the duty to accompany their spouse who is assigned to an overseas post or in a similar circumstance. Those employees who take a temporary leave from the duty are allowed to return to their posts in the Kuraray Group when the overseas assignment of their spouse terminates or when the similar circumstance ends.

・Employment of People with Disabilities

In addition to meeting the statutory employment rate (2.2%), Kuraray is supporting self-sustenance of people with disabilities in cooperation with communities and support groups for people with disabilities. Kuraray has opened workshops for people with intellectual disabilities in cooperation with local welfare facilities.
* As of April 2018, the statutory employment rate has been revised to 2.2% from 2.0%.

Scheme for Management of Healthy Mind and Body

・Basic Policy for Occupational Health

To provide a workplace environment where it is possible to work in both a physically and mentally safe and healthy manner, we formulated the “Kuraray Basic Policy on Occupational Health”.

・Kuraray Basic Policy on Occupational Health

In keeping with “Our Commitment”, the Kuraray Group recognizes that ensuring the safety and health of employees and other stakeholders is the basis of a company’s business activity. Kuraray strives to provide a healthy and safe work environment for its employees and engages in health promotion activities.

・Mental Health Care Schemes

Kuraray has four care schemes including schemes for a self-care and a line care in an effort to reduce mental disorders. Kuraray has implemented and is promoting a stress check, training for the prevention of a mental or physical disorder, a consulting system such as counseling, and a work attendance system allowing employees on a rehabilitation program to work on a time schedule suiting their rehabilitation programs when they return to their workplaces.

・Support for Health Improvement

Enhancement of health awareness of the employees is promoted through personal guidance on health, promotion of health improvement campaigns and other means. “Health Improvement Operation” is carried out companywide urging the employees to voluntarily work on improving their lifestyles. Health checkups featuring checkup items surpassing those required by laws are provided so that we can find employees at the early stage who need to improve their health.