Chemical Products and Product Safety
Product Safety
Each division of the Kuraray Group aims to ensure product safety in its day-to-day new product development and change management of revisions (e.g. assessment of the safety and function of products where changes in raw materials and changes in production equipment and conditions are made). They do this by conducting assessments using various risk assessment methods and making improvements and realizing product safety and quality guarantee for the delivery to customers.
A committee centering on the CSR Division staff is organized in accordance with “Rules for Assessment Committee on Crucial Matter” to study products that require a company-wide study of safety and to verify product safety before developing and marketing. The products to be studied include those that are ingested in the body and that use nanomaterials. In fiscal 2017, regarding issues in the development or commercialization of products specified by these Rules, the Committee consisting of internal experts continued to have discussions about the security and safety of customers, employees and consumers who handle the products, and an impact on the environment, and commercialized products on the basis that appropriate measures would be taken.
The Kuraray Group supplies customers, employees and consumers with these products that have passed an appropriate safety measure taken by the Committee where risk assessment and safety is discussed for individual division-specific issues.
Chemical Substances Management
The Kuraray Group has introduced an IT system to manage chemical substances. We have linked chemical substance information on registered raw materials and products to external databases that contain information on laws and regulations and on safety information of chemical substances. In this way, we have developed a system to facilitate the acquisition of information on laws and regulations pertaining to use and on hazards and the preparation of safety data sheets (SDS), thereby supplying the necessary information to the customers. Managers and their staff corporate divisions and the group companies in Japan assigned to manage chemical substances were periodically given opportunities to share information ,to ensure strict compliance with the laws and regulations worldwide.
In fiscal 2017, the Kuraray Group newly created an opportunity to share information with the Group companies outside Japan and to advance collaboration with them in order to strengthen the management of chemical substances within the entire organization.
We are striving to supply higher quality product information to the customers.