- Sustainability Long-term Vision
- Sustainability Promotion Structure
- Sustainability Medium-term Plan 3P Model
- Setting New Targets for GHG Emission Reduction and Priority Measures
- Sustainability Medium-term Plan for Planet
- Sustainability Medium-term Plan for Product
- Sustainability Medium-term Plan for People
TCFD* Disclosure Roadmap
As part of Kuraray Group's efforts to deal with climate change control, we conduct scenario-based analyses to disclose information based on TCFD recommendations. TCFD Promotion Project Team, which is under the umbrella of the Sustainability Committee, collaborates with various organizations to show the financial impact and resilience in a number of climate scenarios. We have gradually enhanced our disclosures by referring to the "Recommendation on how to use TCFD for business strategy planning: Scenario Analysis Practical Guide that Incorporates Climate-Related Risks and Opportunities" published by the Ministry of the Environment, as follows. By 2023, we have completed and disclosed an impact assessment of major risks and opportunities based on climate change scenarios for the entire Kuraray Group. After completing these disclosures, we concluded the TCFD Promotion Project Team. We will continue to review and expand the content of our analysis in a timely manner in response to changes in the environment.
Response to TCFD Recommendations and Internal Carbon Pricing
*TCFD stands for “Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures” which has been established under Financial Stability Board (FSB) to review how to correspond to climate change disclosures and requirements from the financial sector.